BraveWords.com: When did your ears first encounter Bon Scott?
Mike Fraser: "My first memory of Bon was during their Highway To Hell tour. They opened up for Aerosmith here in Vancouver. Right from the first downbeat I was a fan and the next day went and bought everything AC/DC I could get my hands on!"BraveWords.com: What song/album?
Fraser: "Highway To Hell."
BraveWords.com: Do you remember when he died - did it hit hard?
Fraser: "Yes, I was in complete shock. I thought that AC/DC would be done after that."
BraveWords.com: Did you ever meet him/see Bon live?
Fraser: "Sadly I never did get to meet Bon. I only saw him play that one time on the Highway To Hell tour."
BraveWords.com: With your producer hat on, talk about the production highlights of the Bon era.
Fraser: "The tracks were raw and on fire. Great riffs and great melodies."
BraveWords.com: Was the Vanda/Young team ahead of their time?
Fraser: "They were just great at putting together a great song."
BraveWords.com: When you were remastering the early catalog, anything that surprised you about Bon's presence?
Fraser: "It was amazing how soulful he was. He wasn't just a screamer."BraveWords.com: Fave Bon song(s).
Fraser: "Too many to list but some faves include 'What's Next To The Moon' and 'Gone Shootin''."
BraveWords.com: Fave Bon album.
Fraser: "High Voltage."
BraveWords.com: With your producer hat on (again), what album would you have liked to have worked on?
Fraser: "Highway To Hell or Back In Black."
BraveWords.com: Are you doing anything AC/DC-related to celebrate Bon's life?
Fraser: "Just working away in the music business. Like Bon's mother told the rest of the AC/DC boy's to 'carry on, it's what Bon would of wanted.'"
BraveWords.com: When working with the band now, do the lads talk about Bon? Do they share stories?
Fraser: "Not much is said. It's all in the past but anytime Bon's name comes up it's with great fondness and respect."
BraveWords.com: Do you feel a Bon Scott "presence" when working with AC/DC now?
Fraser: "Can't say that I do."